Be Your Extra Ordinary Self… Remembering our Divinity✨ Knowing that our Uniqueness is our Greatness💫

We are the Reflections of the Vastness that is Infinite✨

Oct 05, 2022

When you run across another  human being, you are actually looking at a mirror of yourself. This person that you have just met for the first time is reflecting back at you, YOU… I know that this sounds strange, bazaar, far-fetched from what we all have been taught to believe, but essentially in this grand multi-verse where we all exist pulsating our greatness through many facets of life, small pieces of yourself. This is a law of the universe for all of us beings. The All is one,“Mind”… One universal field of consciousness that shapes us from our thoughts that come into manifestation. This is why when you meet a stranger, yet, they’re not really a stranger because in each person we all have aspects of one another. Depending on what your soul is teaching you at that moment, your soul will align you with people that can help you see what you could not see in yourself through others. Now to look at this in a grand macrocosm perspective, is to look up at the STARS🌟 we are those beautiful radiant STARS🌟