The Most Important Relationship is with Myself
Feb 27, 2025
This may sound silly to some people or even self consumed, which are lower ways of not acknowledging yourself. Yes these are the old ways of being that has existed throughout decades.
Gratefully, we have elevated our awareness our, overall being to the consciousness that actually loves itself. I am loving more and more of myself everyday. This is where we are now. It is the love that we have for ourselves. That will transform and alchemize what was once a fantasy into a dream into a solidified reality now for all of humanity.
This is why I am here to share the great news of loving yourself. I know we were not taught to love ourselves. We were taught to love everything that is outside of ourselves, such as our boyfriends and girlfriends, all material things, such as the latest styles, celebrities, movies, food, alcohol, everything that takes you away from YOU.
Just think about it for a minute, we all have to love and take care of ourselves first… before we can give of ourselves to others. It starts with you first. It sounds pretty straightforward, but this is unknown for most people because we were all taught to work hard in school… work hard at your job and work hard in everything that you do. Then you will receive great rewards.
Well I am here to tell you that the most important thing that was left out in all of this hard working is love. When you love what you do… when you love the people you are around… when you love because you are in love… then you receive that love right back at you because the common denominator in your life is love.
So don’t forget love which is yourself because you are Love the physical manifestation that has for eons, forgotten yourself in the shuffle of life.
It is time for us all to create a new narrative that says that we are of unlimited potential, timeless and boundless. And we are transcending, elevating, and creating every single step of our journeys learning each day to love ourselves more, which is loving others in the world because we are the reflections that we see. The greatest expression in this world is the expression of self love., This helps us to see ourselves in the world, in one another, and it helps us to recognize and to come to the realization that we are all one. Living as one heart that gives innately, we are innately love in its purest sense.
This new found relationship with myself has helped me gain a greater sense of reality. It has helped me to except all parts of myself. And this dear ones by the way is a life long acknowledging through, the currents of each life experience that I witness and are apart of. I am like a newborn child that has embrace the wonders of myself as a true gift that keeps giving every single day. Am I hesitant at times or even fearful yes I am yet. I allow my curiosity to guide me every step then all of those hesitant fearful thoughts disappear. This allows me to be true while loving myself in every moment.
I must Remember Myself which is “I” and YOU..this is the is-ness that is within all things ever created
1. I exist because of love, which I am… I spread love… I give love… I receive love… I am love. That is why my heart beats every day… I am the beating heart that is love. That is my true essence… shining my light as a beacon so others will find themselves out of the darkness. If it isn’t Love💞, then it isn’t REAL…it’s a false projected illusion that I have created from my MIND…
2. I am here because of a unique purpose in the world, which requires me to love myself, so I can be my best in this world shining the light that is from within
3. I’ do the things that I love in the world so I can be a model of excellence, of integrity, of peace and greatness.
4. I make sure everyday that I check in making sure my mind, emotions, body, spirit, are aligned with my soul . This requires me to sleep adequately, to eat nutrient dense live foods that nourish my soul, to move my body in the form of exercise, yoga or simply walking every day. My emotions are aligned with my heart and my mind.
5. I repeat, and carry out these five necessary practices, so I will always be in harmony with love, peace, joy, and happiness while creating an abundant life.
Love Myself equals the aspects of ourselves listed below…
L Luminosity
O omnipresent
V virtuous
E enthusiastic
M mystery
Y youthful
S sensitive
E eager
L leader
F fierce
Here are a List of activities that you can do with yourself, so you can begin to know yourself while loving yourself.try out some of these activities. It will bring you joy. It will open your heart more and you will begin to see your own inner beauty reflected back to you.
> take yourself out to the movies
> take yourself to a concert
> take yourself to the beach
> take yourself out to lunch
> take yourself on a road trip
> take yourself to an art gallery,
> take yourself on a trip out of state or out of the country
> treat yourself to a delicious home cooked meal
I am the joy that last for eternity life is easy, fun, adventurous, and abundant. I am happy, with all that life has to offer to me now.